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Writer's pictureMauro Gandola


EGMA – Studio organization is suited to exploit the know-how and provide consulting services, under various forms, to:

  • END-USERs and OWNERs of industrial plant for water treatment. The services are aimed to choose the most appropriate and convenient technology for the treatment of the raw water available and produce the required water according to the necessary specification of quality and quantity. The services may include the evaluation of the investment and of the running costs according to the necessary facilities and consumptions. Evaluation of the status of existing plants, and recommendations for any rehabilitation/refurbishing work that may be necessary, including the issue of the relevant specification and description of the scope of work.

  • EPC & MAIN Contractors for industrial installation in which water plants are included. The services are aimed to the preparation of the technical documents for the procurement of the Water Treatment Packages and may be extended to the technical evaluation of the vendor’s offers, with the relevant recommendations for the buyer. Attendance to the shop test is available if required, as well as to the site commissioning and performance tests for the supply acceptance.

  • OEMs & VENDORS of Water Plants Package. The services are aimed to assess the most convenient arrangement of the plant in compliance with the requested performance guarantees, including the recommendation for the fabrication materials and linings. Geometrical sketches of the tailored items shall be supplied, as well as the assistance and recommendation for the procurement of the critical items to be assembled in the WT Package.

  • CONSULTANTS committed for projects in which water treatment are included. The services consist in siding the consultant organization and add the expertise in water treatment plants to the other expertise available.

In accordance with the targets above, the services of EGMA – Studio include:

  • Design of Water Treatment Plants, based on EGMA proprietary know-how

  • Process & Basic Design of WTPs. Issue of process reports and sizing of the plants

  • Comments & Approval of the Process Design. Assessment of the process adequacy

  • Issue of Specs for the Critical Items. Technical Evaluation of Vendors Proposals

  • Assistance to Shop Tests and Site Tests. Issue of relevant reports

  • Supervision of Preparation Control Narrative & Manuals

  • Organisation of Training Courses

  • If required, the personal presence of Mauro Gandola can be ensured as trainer

The services can be tailored for the needs of each Client, specifically for each project, EGMA – Studio ensures the maximum flexibility and collaboration to its Clients worldwide.


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